En este módulo, vamos a hablar (talk) de las clases, los estudiantes universitarios y la universidad.
Antes de comenzar: ¿Es tu universidad una institución importante? ¿Cómo son las clases? ¿Hay tradiciones? ¿Cuál es tu tradición favorita? You can answer these questions in English, but try to use some of the Spanish you already know! Remember los cognados!

Objetivos en este módulo
In this instructional module, you will learn how to…
- Talk about your life as a university student: Classes, activities, people in your life
- Tell time
- Talk about when your classes and other activities take place (time and days)
- Indefinite and definite articles
- Nouns: Gender and number
- The present tense of regular -ar verbs
- México: San Miguel de Allende
- Trayectos hispanos: Educadores
Mis metas
In your Spanish notebook, describe what you want to accomplish in this instructional module in personal terms.
Let’s talk about our classes!