Cuarta parte: Mi celebración pasada favorita
In this module you will talk about your favorite past celebration.

I. Antes de escribir
Use the questions that follow to organize your ideas. Your instructor can help you with words or constructions that are unfamiliar to you.
- ¿Cuál es tu celebración pasada favorita?
- ¿Cuándo fue esta celebración?
- ¿Dónde la celebraste? (Describe el lugar, estado y/o país.)
- ¿Con quién estuviste? ¿Cuánto tiempo pasaste celebrando?
- ¿Qué comida y bebida hubo en la celebración? Describe la comida y la bebida (usa los verbos haber, ser y estar).
- ¿Cómo hiciste? Describe tus actividades y las de otras personas en detalle.
- Explica por qué es tu celebración pasada favorita.
II. A escribir
Now write your paragraph between 100 and 250 words, and…
- Pay attention to gender and number when you use articles, adjectives, and nouns and to the correct verb conjugations.
- Use connectors and conjunctions to connect your ideas. For example, use y, también (also), además (also), pero (but), aunque (even though), ya que (because), entonces (so), de igual forma (in the same way), etc. Your instructor can help you to use these words correctly.
- Complement your paragraph with:
- At least one photo that shows you during the favorite celebration you are writing about.
- Additional photos (a maximum of two) of you and your friends/family during the celebration you are describing.
- If you use photos that you have not taken, please do not forget to cite the source. We recommend that you use Creative Common photos (CC, CC BY, CC BY-SA). You can search for this type of photos on
III. Después de escribir
Now read your paragraph, and focus on the following:
- Content: Have you included all the information required? Are your photos big and clear enough to convey your message?
- Grammar:
- Articles, adjectives, and nouns: Do they agree in gender and number?
- Verbs: Have you conjugated your verbs correctly?
- Cohesion: Have you connected your ideas with the suggested connectors and conjunctions?
- Go over your text, improve it, and write a new, polished version.
IV. Trabajo final
Compile all the parts of the project, and publish the final document (with all the parts that you wrote in Modules 1, 2, and 3) digitally. Your instructor will provide you with information on how to do this.
Ahora vemos el resumen de todos los contenidos de este módulo y reflexionamos sobre nuestro aprendizaje. Vamos a