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ILLO 0.11 Segunda parte: Mi restaurante favorito

In this module you will talk about your favorite restaurant and dish.

Attribution: Lima (Perú) Restaurante El Embrujo Exterior. By moverelbigote, licensed under CC BY 2.0.

I. Antes de escribir

Use the questions that follow to organize your ideas. Your instructor can help you with words or constructions that are unfamiliar to you.

  1. ¿Cómo se llama tu restaurante favorito?
  2. ¿Dónde está? (mention city/state)
  3. ¿Cómo es? (Describe the building, inside of the restaurant, atmosphere, etc.)
  4. ¿Qué tipo de comida sirven en el restaurante?
  5. ¿Cuál es tu plato favorito allí? ¿Por qué?
  6. ¿Vas seguido a ese restaurante? ¿Con quién vas? ¿Por qué?
  7. Explica por qué este restaurante es tu favorito. (Your instructor can help you answer this question.)

II. A escribir

Now write your paragraph and…

  • Pay attention to gender and number when you use articles, adjectives, and nouns and to the correct verb conjugations.
  • Use connectors and conjunctions to connect your ideas. For example, use y, también (also), además (also), pero (but), aunque (even though), ya que (because), entonces (so), de igual forma (in the same way), etc. Your instructor can help you to use these words correctly.
  • Complement your paragraph with:
    • At least one photo of the restaurant.
    • Additional photos (a maximum of two) of you and your friends/family eating at the restaurant.
    • If you use photos that you have not taken, please do not forget to cite the source. We recommend that you use Creative Common photos (CC, CC BY, CC BY-SA). You can search for this type of photos on

III. Después de escribir

Now read your paragraph, and focus on the following:

  • Content: Have you included all the information required? Are your photos big and clear enough to convey your message?
  • Grammar:
    • Articles, adjectives, and nouns: Do they agree in gender and number?
    • Verbs: Have you conjugated your verbs correctly?
    • Cohesion: Have you connected your ideas with the suggested connectors and conjunctions?
  • Go over your text, improve it, and write a new, polished version.

Tercera parte: Mi plato favorito

I. Antes de escribir

Use the questions that follow to organize your ideas. Your instructor can help you with words or constructions that are unfamiliar to you.

  1. ¿Cómo se llama tu plato favorito?
  2. ¿De dónde es? (Information about the place where the dish originated.)
  3. ¿Qué ingredientes lleva?
  4. Explica por qué te gusta este plato.

II. A escribir

Now write your paragraph and…

  • Pay attention to gender and number when you use articles, adjectives, and nouns and to the correct verb conjugations.
  • Use connectors and conjunctions to connect your ideas. For example, use y, también (also), además (also), pero (but), aunque (even though), ya que (because), entonces (so), etc. Your instructor can help you to use these words correctly.
  • Complement your paragraph with:
    • At least one photo of the dish.
    • Additional photos (a maximum of two) of you eating or preparing this dish.
    • If you use photos that you have not taken, please do not forget to cite the source. We recommend that you use Creative Common photos (CC, CC BY, CC BY-SA). You can search for this type of photos on

III. Después de escribir

Now read your paragraph, and focus on the following:

  • Content: Have you included all the information required? Are your photos big and clear enough to convey your message?
  • Grammar:
    • Articles, adjectives, and nouns: Do they agree in gender and number?
    • Verbs: Have you conjugated your verbs correctly?
    • Cohesion: Have you connected your ideas with the suggested connectors and conjunctions?
  • Go over your text, improve it, and write a new, polished version.

Now let’s have a final look at the contents of the module and reflect on our learning. Vamos a